

UGC Creator

why investing in me as your UGC creator and why in UGC in general?

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about me

I am a 24 year old content enthusiast based in Europe. Creating videos and making entertaining and aesthetic content is what makes me feel happy - I know how to present your product so your target audience will feel the same happiness and enthusiasm towards your product.

Standard TikTok Logo

social media

Instagram Outline Logo
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about UGC (user generated content)

People want to see authentic content - consumers spend on average 5,4 hours per day with user generated content.

48 % agreed that UGC is a great method in discovering new products.

79 % of people say that UGC highly impacts their decision to purchase products!

videography work

Simple Smartphone Frame

german UGC Ad (skincare)

Simple Smartphone Frame

german UGC Ad (household)

Simple Smartphone Frame

product presentation

Simple Smartphone Frame

pet product

Simple Smartphone Frame

aesthetic product presentation

Simple Smartphone Frame

with voice over

Simple Smartphone Frame


Simple Smartphone Frame

unboxing with voice over

line art flower rose

photography work

I am excited to be a part of your success.

Just send me an email and we can start our journey together!

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